ECITB Knowledge Only Test - Rigging

ECITB Knowledge Test - Rigging


The candidate will take an online knowledge test, consisting of 35 multiple-choice questions to assess theoretical knowledge of rigging activities. The candidate will answer the 35 randomly generated questions from a large pool of knowledge questions.

The multi-choice questions will cover the main areas and topics as highlighted below:

  • Workplace Hazards
  • Rigging Workplace Hazards
  • Regulations and Documentation
  • Rigging Equipment
  • Rigging Tasks
  • People involved in Rigging activities

The pass mark is 80% which is 28 out of 35 questions to be answered correctly. Achieving less than 80% in this knowledge test will result in a test referral; candidates who achieve 70-79% on their first attempt will get an automatic resit. Candidates achieving less than 70% would have to attend another test session.

Successful candidates scoring 80% or higher in the test will be awarded with the ECITB Certificate of Achievement.

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