OPITO Banksman Slinger Competence Assessment and Reassessment
The target group for Competence Assessment is personnel that wish to become certified competent Banksmen & Slingers – having previously completed Banksman & Slinging training, and/or possess sufficient and relevant work experience to be eligible for the Competence assessment.
Assessment Content
Candidates must complete a theory test assessment prior to attending the practical session.
• Relevant Legislation
• Control of work procedures and practices
• The lifting team and their responsibilities
• Planning the lift
• Establishing load weights
• Preparing the equipment/accessories
• Colour coding and marking systems
• Storage of lifting equipment/accessories
• Sling angles and tensions
• Requirements for non-standard lifts
• Directing the crane operator – hand signals and radio communication
Candidates must act in the role of Banksman and demonstrate competence in all of the following lift types:
• Simple pre-slung lift
• Bundled tubular lift • Restricted access lift
• Lift load with an offset centre of gravity
• Blind lift Candidates must act in the role of Slinger and demonstrate competence in all of the following lift types:
• Prepare and sling a simple non pre-slung lift
• Prepare and sling a bundle of 3 or more tubulars
• Prepare and sling a load with an offset centre of gravity
Target Audience
The target group for Competence Assessment is personnel that wish to become certified competent Banksmen & Slingers – having previously completed Banksman & Slinging Initial training, and/or possess sufficient and relevant work experience to be eligible for the Competence assessment.
Upon successful course completion, the delegate will receive an OPITO certificate.
Two yearly intervals.
Learners must possess:
Option 1
(a) A valid OPITO approved Banksman and Slinger Initial Training Certificate awarded within the previous 32 months.
(b) A fully completed and valid OPITO Banksman and Slinger Workplace Experience Logbook and supporting evidence for each of the 57 tasks, such as a copy of the lifting plan, permit or toolbox talk, based on the OPITO Banksman and Slinger Initial Training Standard and Banksman and Slinger Workplace Experience Logbook requirements. The logbook must be signed as true and valid by the employing company head of discipline or the employing company discipline manager and confirmed by the Centre as being present and correct prior to assessment taking place.
(c) Learners who have completed the Initial Training between November 1st, 2021 to November 30th, 2023 only.
If a learner completed the Banksman and Slinger Initial Training Standard (previously Stage 1) between November 1st, 2021, and November 30th, 2023, a fully completed and valid OPITO Banksman and Slinger Workplace Experience Logbook and supporting evidence for each of the 19 tasks, such as a copy of the lifting plan, permit or toolbox talk, based on the OPITO Banksman and Slinger Initial Training Standard and Banksman and Slinger Workplace Experience Logbook requirements. The logbook must be signed as true and valid by the employing company head of discipline or the employing company discipline manager and confirmed by the Centre as being present and correct prior to assessment taking place.
Option 2
(d) An OPITO Approved Banksman and Slinger Competence Assessment or Reassessment Certificate awarded within the previous 30 months.
NOTE: Learners who possess an OPITO Banksman and Slinger Assessment or Reassessment Certificate which has expired by more than 6 months will be required to attend the OPITO Banksman and Slinger Initial Training prior to undertaking the Banksman and Slinger Competence Assessment. In these instances, there will be no requirement to complete a Work Experience Logbook.
OPITO Banksman and Slinger Competence Reassessment
Learners must possess a valid in-date OPITO Banksman and Slinger Competence Assessment or OPITO Banksman and Slinger Competence Reassessment Certificate.